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Interface ResizeObserverProps


  • ResizeObserverProps



Optional className

className: string

An optional className to provide to this component when the target prop is provided. You should really not be adding styles to this component as it is hidden.

Optional component

component: ElementType<any>

This prop will only be used when the target prop is undefined. Since the ResizeObserver will need to find a DOM node to listen to changes to, it will be rendered in the dom and find the parent element for size changes. You really only want to change this up if trying to listen to table resize events and not using the target prop.

Optional disableHeight

disableHeight: boolean

Boolean if the resize observer should stop tracking height changes. This will only update the callback/renderer to not update on height changes, so there will not be a huge performance boost.

Optional disableWidth

disableWidth: boolean

Boolean if the resize observer should stop tracking width changes. This will only update the callback/renderer to not update on height changes, so there will not be a huge performance boost.


onResize: OnResizeObserverChange<HTMLElement>

The resize event handler for the resize observer. The callback will include the next height, width, scrollHeight, scrollWidth, and the element that is being observed.

Optional target

target: ResizeObserverTarget<HTMLElement>

An optional resize target to be used instead of the parent element of this component. This can either be an HTMLElement, a querySelector string, a function that returns an HTMLElement or null.

Setting this to null will result in a "lazy Observer". The observer will not start until it has been updated to be a string or an HTMLElement.

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